CONGRATULATIONS! You are now officially an American Heart Association Instructor. Achieving instructor status has taken quite a bit of time, effort, and commitment. This was no small feat, and we applaud you.
Note: American Heart Association Instructor status supersedes provider status. Therefore, you do not need to maintain a separate provider card, unless required by your employer.
Now that you have earned your approval as an American Heart Association Instructor, you are free to schedule and teach courses independently. You will also be added to the list of adjunct instructors, if you so desire, that we may call upon to assist with larger classes held by Respond365 LLC.
Our staff is always ready to assist you along the way. This is one of the ways we set ourselves apart. We aren't sending you out into the world to "sink or swim". Respond365 LLC is your partner, and is here to help. When you have questions, and you will, simply give our office a call at (855) 255-0202, or send us an e-mail at
As a reminder, when teaching independently, you will need to have and supply all required equipment appropriate for the class you are teaching. This may include, but is not limited to student manuals, checklists, course videos, mannequins, AEDs, monitors or simulators, ventilatory masks or devices, valves, and more. Need help sourcing or choosing the proper equipment? We can help.
Remember to complete all course paperwork and submit rosters in a timely manner using the Emergency Care Professionals Instructor Portal. The American Heart Association also requires individual Instructors maintain copies of class records and paperwork for three (3) years from the date of class.
We wish you great success, whether you teach a handful of classes to a select group of individuals, or venture out to begin your own small business.